Using the SFMA (Selective Functional Movement Assessment), and a series of other functional mobility and motor control tests, your licensed physical therapist will perform a 90 minute comprehensive functional movement and postural assessment.
The SFMA assesses 10 functional movement patterns of your body from your head to your feet, and the quantity and quality of your movement is observed and noted. Your therapist will break down the patterns and determine if your movement patterns are normal or limited. They will then identify if your limitation is due to lack of mobility (mechanical joint/tissue restrictions) or decreased stability (lack of strength)
A treatment plan will be developed to address the patient's primary complaint of pain, discomfort, restriction or weakness; however your entire body/system will be addressed as part of the evaluation and treatment. Our goal is to restore more efficient movement patterns in your body, which have often been altered due to muscles imbalances and structural misalignment. These issues have often resulted from poor postural awareness and repetitive strain on the body from sports, work, raising children, or just life!
75 Minute Visit